3 Signs You’ve Found Your Soul Tribe When Navigating Divorce

Creating your own community to help you through divorce

They say it takes a village to raise children, and this is also applicable to when you are experiencing a major life transition. When the burden seems too heavy to bear, many hands make light work. We may have a kickass family law firm to back you up a the negotiation table and in the courtroom, but true strength and resiliency while you navigate family law issues comes from within you and the people that support you.

It can take an entire lifetime to build this inner circle of trust and it can expand and contract over time. Having a strong system of family and friends that you can depend on is important not only for your mental health and wellbeing, but also helps to keep you grounded. When you feel untethered, these loved ones can be your anchor in the stormy waters.

Here are some signs that you’ve found your “people”:

  1. You know you could call them or show up any time day or night, and they would be there for you. In the event of an emergency, you know exactly who you can and can’t call in your community for support. If you haven’t thought of this before, (and, thankfully, haven’t had to), we guaranteed that someone (or a few people) came to mind just now because they are caring and reliable. Keep these people close, as they’re what we affectionately call your “ride or dies!”
  2. You feel understood when you talk to them. No matter how much time has passed—hours, months, or even years—you pick right back up where you left off. You resonate with each other and feel seen, heard, and understood on a level that you can’t achieve with just anyone. You know that you can talk to them about anything from the serious to the silly, and it will be met without judgment and good humor and wisdom.
  3. There’s no tension or feeling of ickiness when you leave. In fact, after spending time with them you might fee like you went to a spa that specializes in soul facials! You feel rejuvenated, confident in the fact that you have some great allies in your corner to support you through whatever comes your way.

*BONUS* If you don’t have friends, family members, or co-workers who you can identify for this kind of support, you can connect with other individuals going through divorce at the same time as you, and join or create your own divorce community. Check out organizations such as Jane Does Well and others in your area who offer free or low-cost support groups. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and there’s so much more to community, but these are some of our personal green flags when it comes to emotional support. Here’s to cold drinks and sunshine on the patio with the friends who have become family—we hope that you hold them close near and far and return the favor when they need to rely on your during life’s ebbs and flows.

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